Call for papers
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering will take place in Lyon, France, from June 25 to June 27, 2014. This is the 25th annual event in the series of very successful Eurographics Symposia on Rendering and Eurographics Workshops on Rendering. We are looking for high-quality research papers that define future trends in rendering and related fields.
We would like to especially encourage submission in fields strongly related to rendering such as computational displays and appearance fabrication .
Core conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Global illumination
- Real-time and offline rendering
- Acquisition, modeling, and manipulation of light transport & appearance
- Realistic, non-photorealistic, 2D, and 3D image processing & synthesis
- Mathematical techniques for image synthesis
- Computational photography/optics/displays
- Software and hardware systems/architectures for rendering
- Audio/sound rendering
Please notice that the abstract deadline is on the 29th of March at 7am, and the paper deadline is on the 31st of March 2014. Deadlines are at 23:59 (Midnight) UTC. The proceedings of EGSR will be a special issue of the journal Computer Graphics Forum, after full peer review (including a rebuttal and a 2nd review cycle).
For any question concerning full paper submissions please contact the program co-chairs, Pieter Peers & Wojciech Jarosz, at the following address:
Program Committee
Kavita Bala | United States | Cornell |
Connelly Barnes | United States | University of Virginia |
Laurent Belcour | France | Inria Rhône-Alpes |
Bernd Bickel | Switzerland | Disney Research Zürich |
Tamy Boubekeur | France | Telecom ParisTech |
Per Christensen | United States | Pixar |
Carsten Dachsbacher | Germany | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
George Drettakis | France | INRIA |
Philip Dutre | Belgium | K.U. Leuven |
Elmar Eisemann | Germany | TU Delft |
Martin Fuchs | Germany | Universität Stuttgart |
Abhijeet Ghosh | United Kingdom | Imperial College, London |
Diego Gutierrez | Spain | University of Zaragoza |
Toshiya Hachisuka | Denmark | Aarhus University |
Wenzel Jakob | Switzerland | ETH Zurich |
Tero Karras | Finland | NVidia |
Johannes Kopf | United States | Microsoft Research |
Ares Lagae | Belgium | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Samuli Laine | Finland | NVIDIA Research |
Steve Marschner | United States | Cornell |
Nelson Max | United States | UC Davis |
Adolfo Muñoz | Spain | University of Zaragoza |
Derek Nowrouzezahrai | Canada | University of Montreal |
Matt Pharr | United States | |
Tobias Ritschel | Germany | MPI Informatik |
Holly Rushmeier | United States | Yale University |
Szymon Rusinkiewicz | United States | Princeton University |
Pedro Sander | Brasil | HKUST |
Pradeep Sen | United States | UC Santa Barbara |
Philipp Slusallek | Germany | Saarland University |
Cyril Soler | France | INRIA |
Alexander Sorkine-Hornung | Switzerland | Disney Research Zürich |
Marc Stamminger | Germany | Uni Erlangen |
Xin Tong | United States | Microsoft |
Bruce Walter | United States | Cornell |
Andrea Weidlich | New Zealand | Weta Digital |
Gordon Wetzstein | United States | MIT Media Lab |
Tim Weyrich | United Kingdom | UC London |
Place: Lyon, France.Date: 25th-27st of June, 2014
Important Dates
- 29 March 2014, 7am
Abstract Deadline - 31 March 2014
Paper submission deadline - 28 April - 5 May, 2014
Rebuttal Period - 15 May 2014
Notification to Authors - 25-27 June 2014
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using the Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system. All instructions (pages length, template) are defined on SRMv2 website.