9:00 Introduction and Welcome. | Holly Rushmeier |
9:05 Scanning Gonio-Photometers for Asymmetric Acquisition of Fine-structured BSDF. | Peter Apian-Bennewitz |
9:25 Reducing Anisotropic BSDF Measurement to Common Practice. | Greg Ward , Murat Kurt and Nicolas Bonneel |
9:45 ALTA: A BRDF analysis library. | Laurent Belcour, Pascal Barla and Romain Pacanowski |
10:05 Statistical Characterization of Surface Reflectance. | Vlastimil Havran and Mateu Sbert |
10:25 The Iray renderer and its Material Definition Language MDL. | Lutz Kettner |
10:30 Break. | |
10:45 Linear Transport Theory and Applications to Rendering. | Wenzel Jakob |
11:05 The Role of Visual Comparison Testing in Material Appearance Modeling. | Gary Meyer |
11:25 Appearance Modeling in Videogames: State of the Art, Challenges and Opportunities. | Naty Hoffman |
11:45 X-Rite Demo | Christopher Schwartz |
Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling: Issues and Acquisition
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss and define open issues in the acquisition and modeling of material appearance. Great strides have been made in computer graphics in acquiring, modeling, editing and rendering material appearance. However, the field has a long way to go for these techniques to be adopted outside of traditional computer graphics applications in film and games, such as in industrial design and manufacturing. In this workshop we will gather researchers and potential users of material appearance models to define what the major challenges and problems are in this area. The output of the workshop will be a document (available through the EG Digital Library) that is intended to help guide future development of material appearance modeling.
The format of the workshop will be short presentations followed by group discussion of position papers submitted on the topic before the workshop. Examples of the types of position papers to be considered:
- Position papers from industrial users or potential users of digital material models. Suitable topics of this type include description of practical applications of digital models and problems that have been encountered. For example, are there some materials that aren't possible to model with current methods? Do some software systems fail to successfully predict appearance? Are there some desirable editing operations that aren't possible with current systems?
- Position papers from researchers on their view of the grand challenges in material appearance. What are the big problems we still need to solve? Are there significant problems that require solution of wave equations that we still can't handle? Are there problems that require physical property data that we don't know how to get? Do we need better perceptual models? What are the material appearance modeling problems associated with 3D printing?
- Position papers from all groups describing acquisition systems and performance. Technical papers typically describe the design of systems and initial results. Reports of practical experience with system are needed, including reports on what works well, and what works poorly.This type of "experience" report is needed to move the field forward, but is not eligible for publication in traditional conferences and journals.
Position papers on other topics in material appearance are also welcome.
NEW THIS YEAR: Material sample distribution for database initiation -- Identical samples of materials will be distributed for attendees to take back and measure/image at their home institution. The goal is to create a database of identical materials characterized by different methods.
Position papers should be submitted by June 2, 2014 by email to
Papers should be one to four pages in length, following the style file for EG workshop papers ( The position papers from last year's workshop can be found at .
Receipt of submission will be via email. Participants must attend the workshop in person for their position paper to be included in the workshop document. The document will be made available after the event through the EG Digital Library. All authors of included position papers will be listed as authors of the EG Digital Library document.
If you are interested in participating by giving a short talk without a position paper, presenting a demo, preparing an exhibit, or organizing a panel, please contact Holly Rushmeier at no later than June 2, 2014. Contributions to the sample distribution set and exhibits of real/virtual material pairs are especially welcome!
Place: Lyon, France.Date: June 25, 2014
(co-located with EGSR 2014)
- Reinhard Klein, University of Bonn.
- Holly Rushmeier, Yale University
Submission deadline:
Date: June 2, 2014Mail: